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CIS Announcement

Tue, May 28, 2024 6:05 PM

The Center for Internet Security has announced to the OVAL board that they intend to relinquish their role as the OVAL Sponsor by the end of 2024. The board and CIS are working on a transition plan, including the identification of a new sponsor. If your organization is interested in sponsoring this active community composed of top security experts, system administrators, and software developers from industry, government, and academia, please reach out to oval@cisecurity.org.

The Center for Internet Security has announced to the OVAL board that they intend to relinquish their role as the OVAL Sponsor by the end of 2024. The board and CIS are working on a transition plan, including the identification of a new sponsor. If your organization is interested in sponsoring this active community composed of top security experts, system administrators, and software developers from industry, government, and academia, please reach out to [oval@cisecurity.org](mailto:oval@cisecurity.org).